+7 969 018 38 43 Daily, from 10 to 19 (GMT+3)
Adress109428 Moscow, 1st Institutsky proezd 1, office 219

The best B2B solutions
in the food raw materials market

For factories, farmers, multinational traders

About Rusagricom

Our company has been successfully operating in the field of food supply for more than 25 years. Since then, we have been successfully operating in the market, providing our customers with products that meet the highest quality standards. We specialize in wholesale supplies for large production facilities. The main sales market is the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The company cooperates with suppliers in Asia, Europe, South and North America, Australia, New Zealand. We strive to provide our customers with the best solutions in the field of food raw materials, providing them with high-quality, safe and innovative products.

Our goal is to support the production processes of our partners, contributing
to their success and growth. Our team consists of experienced food industry
professionals who have in-depth knowledge and understanding of our
customers’ needs. We plan to expand our product range, introduce new
technologies and improve the quality of service in order to remain
a reliable partner for our customers.

Website for buyers
The company has decades of fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with many suppliers
We follow the latest trends in the food industry and constantly update our product range to offer our customers the most up-to-date ingredients
We work with suppliers all
over the globe
The company uses the
accumulated experience to ensure
high-quality work with suppliers
at all stages of interaction
More than 1,000 imported items
Caring for the planet
We take care of our planet and actively implement environmentally friendly practices in our activities, from supplier selection to product packaging

What are we buying

We are looking for product solutions all over the globe
so that our customers can create a truly amazing product

+7 969 018 38 43

109428 Moscow, 1st Institutsky proezd 1, office 219

Offer your

As a supplier, you can offer your product, and
we will definitely consider your offer.


Rusagricom offers a wide range of seeds, which are an important ingredient for many industries. Some of the items that we supply:

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